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Serves: 4
If they like it, it serves 4 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Totaltime: 30 minutes


  • 1 pound puff pastry sheet, thawed
    1/2 pound Swiss cheese
    4 tablespoons Dijon mustard
    12 asparagus spears, cooked crisp
    1 egg, beaten


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    Roll puff pastry sheet on a floured work surface to a thickness of 1/8 inch. Cut into 4-inch squares.
    Cut cheese into fingers about the size of asparagus spears.
    Spread each pastry dough evenly with mustard.
    Lay an asparagus spear and a strip of cheese on each pastry square. Roll them up, seal and place seam side down on a buttered baking sheet. Brush rolls with beaten egg.
    Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until pastry is brown and cheese is melted
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Asparagus en croûte

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Comments (1)

John Young(Citrus Heights, California, US)says...

Asparagus en croute is not as simple as it sounds. My first attempt was with "fresh" asparagus from Walmart - maybe not fresh after all. My second attempt was with Birdseye Frozen Asparagus Spears (how can you go wrong with fresh frozen??). I wanted party snacks about 2" long so each guest would take two - four bites to consume. In both cases, the taste was great but the asparagus would not break on my bite and I would end up with an entire spear pulled out and dangling down to my chin - not a great come-on effect at a social gathering! In both cases, the pastry (egg-washed) was placed in a 380 deg F oven for 20 minutes, egg washed again, and given an additional 10 minutes for browning. BTW - there was a slice of prosciutto, some garlic and pepper in each wrap. What's wrong? Cooking time? Cooking temperature?

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